
Multiple java versions on mac
Multiple java versions on mac

multiple java versions on mac

Open the oracle’s Java verification web page.The terminal window will show the installed version of Java on your Mac machine.Steps to check Java version on Mac using terminal You will see open a popup with details of Java installed version.In General tab, press the button ‘About’.Press Java icon, it will launch Java control panel.From upper left side of screen, select the Apple icon.

multiple java versions on mac

Steps to check Java version on Mac using Java control panel The terminal will show the installed Java version on your Linux machine.Press ALT+CTRL+T or Open the terminal from search.Java control panel – Java version check Steps to check Java version on Linux using terminal It will open a popup which will show the installed Java version and details.On General tab, press the button ‘About…’.From the search list, Open the Java control panel.In Linux, search the application “Java control panel”.Steps to check Java version on Linux using Java control panel In General tab, press the ‘About’ button.Click on Java folder, Java control panel will be opened.Steps to check Java version on windows using start menu The output of this command will show the Java version installed on your window machine.From start menu or run box, Open the Command Prompt.Steps to check Java version on windows using Command prompt You can now check the Java installed version.Click on Java folder, choose ‘About’ option.Navigate through the ‘applications and programs’ listed unless you see the Java folder.Steps to Verify Java version on windows using Java control panel What is Java Auto Update? How do I change notify settings?.Steps to check Java version on Mac using terminal.Steps to check Java version on Mac using Java control panel.Steps to check Java version on Linux using terminal.Steps to check Java version on Linux using Java control panel.Steps to check Java version on windows using start menu.Steps to check Java version on windows using Command prompt.Steps to Verify Java version on windows using Java control panel.

Multiple java versions on mac